Thursday, 13 May 2010

How great people conduct themselves

وما العيب إلا أن أكون مساببــه
إذا سبني نذل تزايدت رفعـــة
لمكنتها من كل نــذل تحـاربـه
ولو لم تكن نفسي عليّ عزيـزة
كثير التواني للذي أنا طــالبــه
ولو أنني أسعى لنفسي وجـدتني
وعار على الشبعان إن جاع صاحبه
ولكنني اسع لأنفع صـــاحبي

If a lowly man insults me then I am only raised in rank,
and there is no wrong except if I were to retort.
And were not my person dear to me,
I would have set it into argument with every lowly man.
And were I striving for my benefit then you would find me,
Very patient for what I strive for.
But I strive for the benefit of my companion,
And despicable is the full-stomached if his companion is hungry. 

The poem starts off with a clear guidance on how great people conduct themselves when unworthy and unqualified people attempt to insult them. The Imam is saying that silence and aloofness is the best rebuttal to these people and that answering them only adds credibility to them and detracts from the great persons.
The Imam then talks about what one should put all their efforts in. Not in pursuits which only benefit oneself but rather in pursuits which benefit others.

1 comment:

  1. I really apprc8 this. Can you send all the translations
